Looking to buy holiday money soon? Compare travel money exchange rates at Travel Money Deals, and find the best exchange rates for your trip abroad! Comparing over 50 currencies from over 40 major travel money brokers...

compare EuroEUR1.1852 compare US DollarUSD1.2414
compare Turkish LiraTRY43.1926 compare Canadian DollarCAD1.7434
compare Egyptian PoundsEGP55.7038 compare Australian DollarAUD1.9538
compare New Zealand DollarNZD2.1659 compare South African RandZAR22.6289
compare Thailand BahtsTHB41.4676 compare ARS

Compare Travel Money - Best Exchange Rates

Welcome to the Travel Money Deals - your one stop shop to compare travel money rates and buying at the best exchange rate today! Our website system grabs the very latest exchange rates from the leading currency brokers online, giving you full currency comparison. You can calculate your currency requirements with or without delivery charges.

Latest News From The Travel Money Deals Blog

European holidays more expensive than last year2 Aug at 9 AM

Holidaymakers choosing a trip to Europe are likely to find it more expensive than last year because of the changing value of the pound on the currency markets. However, those prepared to consider a longer-haul trip may find they get more bang for...

Save money by sharing a hotel room with a stranger26 Jul at 9 AM

An accommodation website is offering single travellers the opportunity to save when they go away by sharing the hotel costs with a complete stranger. Easynest hooks people up with each other if they are prepared to split the bill. Site users are...

Holidaymakers favour cash over cards19 Jul at 9 AM

The fall in the value of the pound means that summer holidays have become more expensive. It is estimated that most families will fork out around £1000 per week on excursions, food and drink. Around a quarter will spend £250 on a new wardrobe and...

Holiday money saved by buying foreign cash early12 Jul at 9 AM

As household budgets in the UK continue to be stretched many Brits will be hunting down bargains this summer for their holidays. However it is not just a good deal on flights and accommodation that will help cut down on the spending. It is also...

Brits feel happier taking hard cash on holiday5 Jul at 9 AM

A recent survey by Halifax found that Brits travelling abroad prefer to rely on cash rather than making withdrawals or paying for goods and services on their credit or debit cards. Although there are risks associated with going on holiday with large...

More Brits to holiday at home this year28 Jun at 9 AM

A recent survey by Travelodge found that as many as two thirds of families in the UK are planning to spend their summer holiday at home this year. The staycation has risen in popularity with families in recent years as foreign holidays become more...

Top 10 Holiday Money Tips

  • 1. Never change money at the airport bureaux.
  • 2. Don't use your standard debit/cards for foreign money.
  • 3. Using a prepaid card means locking an exchange rate.
  • 4. Buying foreign currency is mostly cheaper online.
  • 5. Compare & save by using our travel money comparison website.
  • 6. Currency cards offer great security.
  • 7. Check exchange rate forecasts for your desired currency.
  • 8. Don't just compare exchange rates, factor in delivery costs too.
  • 9. Research your bank debit/credit cards foreign fees.
  • 10. Keep an eye out for travel money offers from currency providers.

Latest Travel Money Reviews

  • Eurochange - Paul Peters wrote Friday, 5th October 2012 (5/5 stars) Excellent service, found the webchat helpful to complete my purchase
  • Sainsburys - Michael Nott wrote Thursday, 27th September 2012 (4/5 stars) Very quick and simple ordering system. Liked the fact that costs shown up front and early. On-line system seems to have been well thought through. Good exchange rate and ability to collect from...
  • Travel:Premier - Tony Hargreaves wrote Wednesday, 26th September 2012 (4/5 stars) Used ICE Plc last year for Euro's, so this year looking for best deal went on compare sites and when Travel:Premier came up I did the checks, and when it came up that ICE Plc was parent company it...

Latest Prepaid Card Reviews

  • Thomas Cook Multi Currency Card - Dorian Lewis wrote Sunday, 23rd September 2012 (1/5 stars) The card was not accepted in most stores accross australia. Could not even withdraw from cash points. Overall service was very bad. Managed to use it once to purchase a sim card but that was the only...
  • BreadFX EUR Currency Card - GEOFF MOUNTAIN wrote Thursday, 20th September 2012 (4/5 stars) This card is excellent, but beware. The published exchange rate only applies to amounts loaded in excess of £500. I was almost caught out but their customer service was excellent in uplfting my rate...
  • FairFX EUR Currency Card - Tim wrote Saturday, 1st September 2012 (5/5 stars) Ordered Fairfx euro card and found everything worked out great. Seems like best euro rate too. Five stars from me.